kamen rider

I do not know this kamen rider so many people like it, I heard my cousin liked it, so I went to the aunt’s house guest kamen rider buy clothes, very cute, I think cousin will love, and gave him when he really liked, cousin say they now class many boys like kamen rider, he also has a lot kamen rider toys, cousin actually did not think so fond kamen rider, but fortunately I bought kamen rider clothes to him, I want to be other things he might not like it. My cousin told me this age Mom, so I did not know he was so small children how to communicate with him, so wanted to buy him a favorite thing should Weng.



Learning Chinese in Singapore

The table he is not Chinese but his Chinese speak very good, I asked him how Chinese so well, it doesn’t look like it is a foreigner, and asked him to learn where the Chinese, can put in literature so professional, he says he is in the Learning Chinese in Singapore, that he small, his parents are ready for China work, to report the learning Chinese training class, he went to study, do not think in the Learning Chinese in Singapore during that time he had a very strong interest in Chinese, that he will learn Chinese in training courses which are the best, his Chinese teacher said he was learning very professional, if later to Chinese speech others is not listen to foreigners

laser printer

Recent work are not so busy, some time ago to call to repair laser printer customers there are many, this time no little things, to work fine with the customer service department staff exchanged a few words, listening to them that some time ago because it was a new laser printer, function than more, better just to buy back is unlikely to use, every time the machine is good, that is a problem, repair personnel to post about operation good, now over a period of time, it is the new laser printer is skilled, also does not call again to find the door repair, I said this is the original, said a few days ago to repair are not check out what the problem is




這次去台北还是去找朋友给我做台北酒店推荐,上次去台北的时候也是朋友给我做的台北酒店推荐,朋友这次给我推荐的酒店 我非常的喜欢,而且地理位置也还不错,出门之后交通非常的方便,我本来就是一个路痴,要是给我找一个偏僻一点的我还真的有可能会迷路的,我去台北之前朋友就给我说是她给我推荐的这个酒店交通非常的方便,不管去哪去方便,所以我就特别的开心,因为我知道平时朋友也经常去台北出差的,当然她去台北对台北酒店也非常的了解的,所以我也很放心的。


大家都說要上就上一所emba排名前列的學校,剛開始我也不以為然,覺得只要是學習emba課程,在哪所學校學習都是一樣的,但是爸爸 媽媽的態度非常堅決,說是希望我以後有出息,讓我必須在這所他們任教的emba排名前列的大學學習,這樣的話,他們也有面子,可會死我也知道我的學習不好,要是報考這所學校的話,我確實挺有壓力的,為此我決定好好學習,等到考試的時候,我一定要一次通過,我知道我爸爸媽媽都非常好麵子,要是自己的女兒都考不上這所學校的話,他們豈不是很沒有面子,於是到現在我也很努力地在學習呢。



property investment

My cousin is property investment I also do property investment time I will be with my cousin in the discussion above things together, because cousin than I know about, sometimes cousin will tell me a lot of his work experience above, my work with cousin help after smoothly, tonight with cousin in a chat work above things cousin told me that he had a few days to Taiwan on a business trip, I asked him to go to Taiwan on business what cousin, cousin told me that he went to Taiwan to talk to customers about a project is the project if the success he future business it will steady down, listen to the story of my cousin to cousin said he would put the project on down.