

Interior Design

Cousin doing the Interior Design, I think she is like the tall to the requirement of your a lot, I said what do you want to own so tired, my cousin said: actually, I don’t want to, but I like the job I have now is so, I think a Interior Design test is really a person, I don’t know how to do it, I will certainly want to other way, so I think actually do Interior Design, although I will feel very tired, but at least I will be very full, so I don’t think there is anything wrong, I think my cousin said that after I was touched by the kind of mood, I like there is no way she’s serious about his work. 

台北 太陽餅

平時我只要是想要買台北 太陽餅那麼我就一定會去這家店裡面的,自從我發現了這家台北 太陽餅店之後我就再也沒有在別的店裡面買過東西了,感覺別家店裡面所做出來的台北 太陽餅味道和這家店裡面簡直是沒有對比性的,每次去店裡面買台北 太陽餅都要排好長時間的隊,不過為了能買到這麼好吃的台北 太陽餅我覺得也是很值得的,要是這家台北 太陽餅店能在我家附近也開這麼一個分店,那該是一件多麼開心的事情,我沒事的時候就可以經常性的去買台北 太陽餅了。



surveillance camera singapore

When I came to this company, I was surprised, this big company even surveillance camera Singapore what, I was very depressed, so I directly to the leadership of the company said, I also know that I came to the company reported on the first day to say so, indeed not too appropriate, but when I said the company should give leadership when equipped with surveillance camera Singapore, he is also very happy to say that I can have this consciousness is really good, but he also told me that this weekend our company is ready to begin installing surveillance camera Singapore, after I heard also a bit awkward, I was too abrupt but never mind, I also to the interests of the company to do so, the leadership did not blame me.



5 Star Hotel Taipei

When my mom went to Taiwan when I travel in the online booking of the 5 Star Hotel Taipei, the 5 Star Hotel for my impression of Taipei was fairly good, when people booking online comments on the 5 Star Hotel Taipei very well, so I will be booked after the 5 Star Hotel Taipei came to Taiwan to the 5 Star Hotel Taipei to see the good environment of the hotel is actually the hotel I booked online in the heart, don’t mention is how happy I was, the reservation price is not particularly high to not have so tall yet, to see the results after 5 Star Hotel Taipei I instantly excited not to die, I have never been in such an atmosphere inside the hotel occupancy.

nail salon central

媽媽這幾天住在我租的房子里,他說是他最近在家裡也麼有事情可乾,而且跟我爸爸在一起時間長了,兩個人也總是吵架呢,所以我就給我的媽媽說是讓他過來住在我這邊吧,枕頭剛好我下班之後也就有人給我說話了呢,結果我媽媽就過來了,有一天晚上我就跟我媽媽說是我想做nail salon central了。結果他聽到之後剛開始很驚訝,後來他平靜下來就告訴我說是讓我放心的去做吧,我聽到我媽媽這麼說真的很意外的,因為我媽媽平時也是個保守的人呢,而現在也願意我做nail salon central了,看來我媽媽的變化也真的是很大呢。



Energy Saving

When I first came to the Energy Saving, I feel it’s great to be here, I must take the learning, but also hope to learn more and better things, especially my family is very happy that I can work in the Energy Saving, because the Energy Saving is here very good company, working here is very good for many people, after I came to work in the Energy Saving company is very hard, because I know that my family wanted me to work here, and no matter how well here, is to go out later it can still find good willing to work, really good.