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和小美在聊天的時候我就發現小美做的指甲還挺漂亮的,我就問小美她做的指甲是在哪里做的,還挺漂亮的。小美聽了我講的事情就說她指甲是在nail salon hong kong做的,她也是挺喜歡的。說是上次休息的時候她一個朋友帶她去nail salon hong kong做的指甲呢,說是她做完之后就喜歡的不得了呢,聽了小美講的事情我就說是挺好看的,這個週末要是有空的話我也去nail salon hong kong做一個指甲,小美聽了我講的事情就說那里做指甲的價格也不是很貴,說是服務特別的好呢。
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I am in our real estate work dried up for many years, everyone said I was a veteran, and rich experience, so I also received our boss every time, as long as there is new property, he will let me in the past, because I have the experience, but also to many unexpected events the last words he and I am assured, I think we should do this is the wrong choice, and I will dry in this company for many years, also contact with a lot of new property project, the company decided to lift me as a manager, I’m really excited it is to put the good news to my family.
nail salon hong kong
閨蜜給我打電話說是想跟我一起去做nail salon hong kong呢,我說好啊,剛好我下週要去參加一個婚禮呢,而且還是我一個很重要的人的婚禮呢,說不定我還要給他當伴娘呢,於是我就告訴我閨蜜說是我們倆今天下班之後就一起去做nail salon hong kong吧,他說好的,因為他也很期待跟我一起去nail salon hong kong做指甲呢,之前 就有同事給我推薦過說是那裡做出來的指甲很自然很美,很漂亮,我自然也很喜歡啦,只是一直都沒有機會去做,不過現在好了,可以跟我同事一起去做了呢。
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My brother said that in fact he was really going to do when the Lowongan part time, not sure I could do it at last, I say you have no confidence to do their own thing, but what do you want to do, my brother said I do not know how to choose to do what I want to do and you don’t mind so much, but I can do a good job for us Lowongan part time. There are still many questions, so you still do not Guannameduo, just do it, when I did the Lowongan part time, I will certainly do well, but my brother is not the same, he is a kind of free people. I don’t know what to say to someone like him.