場地 出租

媽媽說你現在要是去做場地 出租的工作其實也是不錯的,但是我現在是覺得,要是我做了場地 出租的工作的話,我又會後悔,我就是這樣的一個人,我要是有什麽事情的時候,我就會做再三的考慮,到最後考慮好了之後,我也不知道該怎麼去做了,其實我去做了場地 出租之後,我肯定會做的不錯的,因為我之前對這方面的知識還是很了解的,所以說我現在也不是很擔心,我現在是覺得,我和我家裡的人在這些方面其實做的都是不錯的,雖然我自己也不知道到底做的怎麼樣。





conference room

Unexpectedly in the conference room, a stay is all day today, because some small conference room, so to tell everyone about you several batch, so down all day long I stay in the conference room, all didn’t do anything, I think if the company has a large conference room, I often go to other companies to do business, also have to see somebody else’s conference room, conference room, especially some big company air, feel the local special long-so large capacious sitting hundreds of individuals with plenty, and our company I wish to have a conference room, like that, but this is impossible, first of all, our company have no the size of the room, and I will be very crowded office, which also place.

study in UK

I always plan after graduation to study in UK, but now suddenly find themselves as English is very bad, go to the British certainly speak English only, so I began to study English hard, my mother said that study in UK is so popular, because there are many world famous university in the United Kingdom, if I could go to the university to study it well, of course I want to, but my family is not particularly rich, so I want to rely on my own efforts, I English is not bad, if you can get the scholarship would be good, this home is less burden. I started to have never thought of going to study in UK, is on the TV said that now study in UK really very convenient to see once, not so much trouble.




Although it is the house we are still very good, but I still want to give it to re decoration, because I feel it inside the partition. I don’t want to see, although that is the partition place, makes this house inside the pattern is very beautiful, but I wasn’t love, so I just think of these partition place, all give it together, because I think this kind of words, the house will look bigger, so let me make a design, put up the partition place, so that I can do it. Planning.





