Warehouse optimization planning

When the exhibition economy Webpage understanding about the Warehouse optimization planning I feel quite good. When chatting with aunt evening aunt told me that she recently learned about the Warehouse optimization planning, feeling pretty good, heard aunt say I told my younger sister today is about good. After aunt told me that the program is used inside her company certainly good, heard aunt say I’ll tell Aunt she wants to know about the detailed procedure if really good and can be used for their own company. Young aunt heard me say that let me to know about, hear young aunt said that I told my younger sister will finish her task to me.

laser printer

A friend introduced me to this laser printer is really good, I just bought a inkjet printer came back yesterday morning, but when I have had a try really well, and the appearance is very beautiful, better than our company before inside the use of the old printer really many the new inkjet printer, not only a print out of the effect is good, but also the operation is very simple and fast, which under the well, the colleagues of the company will never say the printer to print something too slow and not clear, I still want to put this table with it, and in a few days if that the inkjet printer is really good, I also want to give the company to buy a bar, such things more convenient.


When you have the Spring Festival home, give my baby to buy a Gundam toy, because the perennial working outside, when it is have the Spring Festival didn’t go home to see their children, usually buy clothes for their children, but this time I bought the child a Gundam toy. After I get home, there was little shy son, see me holding a Gundam toy, particularly happy, hurriedly ran to me and said that he always wanted a Gundam toy, but Grandma not to buy, did not think of her mother to come back to buy me, I look at the son is very happy, the heart also not the taste, then decided not to go out, stay with the child’s side, it is the best choice.


大家可能还对免疫细胞治疗有点陌生吧!但是我还是知道的,因为我妈妈是医生,妈妈告诉我说是免疫细胞治疗是对癌症患者特别有效地一种治疗方法,他们医院的医生也是在努力地做这项免疫细胞治疗的研究工作呢,妈妈说是为了减轻患者的痛苦,所以这种疗法应该相对来说是比较好接受的。当时我就在心里想,我一定要好好学习,等我长大了也要做一名医生,为所有癌症患者减轻痛苦而努力,妈妈说是一切都没有我想象的那么简单的, 但是现在医学界能够对免疫细胞治疗 有了突破已经很了不起了。


前不久買了一個我喜歡的一個牌子的相機今天跟朋友一塊去郊區玩耍的時候我就把我相機帶上朋友看到我新買的相機就說挺不錯的,我就告訴朋友我現在買的這個相機相素挺不錯的,朋友就說我買那么好的相機也要配一個half case保護自己的相機相機套那樣自己的相機才能用很久,聽了朋友講的事情我就覺得給自己的相機配一個half case也挺不錯的。之后我就在網上看了很多類型的half case沒有看到自己喜歡的那一款我就打算下次去旅遊的時候再看half case的事情。



台湾 凤梨酥

每次去台湾旅游的时候我都会带很多台湾 凤梨酥回来的,这次跟表姐一块去台湾旅游我回来的时候也带了很多的台湾 凤梨酥,我周围的很多朋友跟我一样也是很喜欢吃台湾 凤梨酥的所以我就带了很多台湾 凤梨酥回来,今天朋友到我家里来玩我就把我带的台湾 凤梨酥拿出来让朋友吃,朋友就问我什么时候去台湾了,我就告诉朋友我前几天跟我表姐去台湾玩了,回来的时候就带了一些,朋友听到我那样讲就说她这段时间刚好想吃台湾 凤梨酥。





