gundam uc

周五的時候同事小明就讓我週末去她家里玩說是給我做她的拿手菜,我也就答應了,今天去小明家里之后我去了一趟商場買了gundam uc打算送給小明的兒子當作禮物,剛到小明家里我就看到小明那可愛的兒子我就把我準備好的禮物拿了出來沒有想的是小明的兒子非常的喜歡gundam uc,小明就對我說下次來玩不用買禮物了,小明還說我不會來呢,我就告訴小明我答應她的事情肯定會來的,小明就帶我參觀了一下她的家里,后來我就幫小明做菜了。





Preschools in Singapore

Here is a long time, now the child is old enough to go to school, but now I really tangled ah, I want to let the children in the school which is quite good, because now the child is not on my side, so I was really quite confused, then I think, I think let the children come here to go to school, can let him go to school at Preschools in Singapore Preschools in Singapore inside, this is the place where I live is very close, and the children in the Preschools in Singapore inside the school, you can learn a lot of knowledge, because I heard that the Preschools in Singapore is very famous so, let the children in the Preschools in Singapore school is the best choice, so I decided to bring the child back to school here.



outdoor router

Now can use this outdoor router, I also really is very happy, because I really did not think this is the original outdoor router it really is especially good for it, because I was seldom use this with outdoor router, but people have in use are. But also feel good, so I was really very happy, but I also really love the outdoor router, it was really feeling after using this outdoor router, it really is good with a lot of feeling, but also to me save a lot of traffic, really is what things are also very convenient, so I really have been using this outdoor router.


出到外國了,租wifi 也是一個非常時髦的。我們到了那裏手機也不能用了,不過租wifi ,還是可以上網的,也可以和家裏的人聊天,真的太好了。租wifi方便了大家,希望更多的人去瞭解租wifi ,我們在外國的幾天裏,租wifi 給我們帶來了很多的方便。老闆讓我們這幾天回去呢,我們收拾了行裏就行回走了,回到國內,大家也能用wifi萬能鑰匙上網呢,現在的wifi給大家帶來了好多的方便,記得一個小朋友和她的奶奶說你想吃什麼錯,我連上wifi就能知道那個菜怎麼做了。

certificate in teaching singapore

I have to listen to my bestie I complained that he’s children not good things, give the child please tutor is also no big role, but this time has not heard him say these things in front of me, it was not until yesterday that I knew the reason, because he turned out to be to certificate in Teaching Singapore children, since the children reported that the certificate in teaching Singapore after the child in his family. The results improve a lot, a few days ago to the school to attend the meeting, their teacher had the class he praised baby’s greatest progress, I say this but he attended bestie how many parents will first hear the teacher how to sell their home.

freight service

Friend suddenly quit the job, at night to see friends when I asked her friends how suddenly the work of the speech, and prepare what to do next. A friend told me that she is going to do freight service, said she had been there, listening to a friend talk about freight service thing, I asked her to no friends, friends told me that she had wanted to hear a friend say that well, I said, since I have ready to do it, I support her, I heard friends say that he said, let me go to the free weekend to help her do some account of the above things, I also readily agreed, I said she was my first venture will help.


當時看到我朋友一直沒有找到工作,我還非常的鬱悶他怎麼可能找不到合適的工作呢,他的工作能力那麼的強悍,可是後來我才知道原來他因為找工作的方法和地方不對的呢,知道了原因之後我第一時間就把求職推薦給他呢,推薦的時候我就想著我朋友一定可以通過求職找 到自己非常滿意的工作呢,果然不出我自己所料,我朋友在求職上面如願的找到了自己非常喜歡的工作呢,而且不管是工資待遇還是工作的環境都是要比他之前所在的那個公司都要好很多。